Eugene Arutyunov’s consultation

I normally advise company owners and creative team leaders. And designers, of course.

I am great at solving problems of graphic, communication and product designers. I am keen on web development, marketing, management, and I’m kinda into business and people.

It makes sense to discuss with me:

Brand communication, visual language and product aesthetics

  • brand – what we want to communicate, how it is perceived, what we look like and why, how to transmit it through words and pics to seem clear and sort of fresh;
  • design as a function – we’ll figure out the needs, come up with the tactics, process, action plan;
  • design as an outcome – we’ll take a look, try to sort out weak spots, create feedback for production teams;
  • and any of your questions.

Creative team management

  • how to hire people that fit and not to hire those who don’t;
  • how to train a team if there’s only time for work;
  • how to plant design culture in cross-functional product teams;
  • where people take motivation, initiative and independence from;
  • how to delegate, what and when;
  • and any of your questions.

A problem you don’t know how to deal with

Sometimes the consultation is needed to formulate the questions themselves. I’m not a psychotherapist, but you can tell me:

  • “something’s wrong with us”;
  • “we’re lost”;
  • “we think we need help”.

And I will do my best.

To make you like me I collected a couple of feedbacks. People wrote these themselves. The result is panegyric.

I came to Eugene for advice on how to achieve responsibility and autonomy among designers in my team. He seemed to be the right person, whom I came to with the right expectations at the right time. Because the result was awesomely great!

It’s just a personal experience, no plain theorems, only conclusions that Eugene caught up with during his own practice. This is a conversation of two equals. Eugene does not brag about his bad-ass-ness, he really tries to help. Each idea is led to through convincing arguments, tidying up your mind gradually.

It’s pricey, but it’s worth it. It is really similar to visiting a top-notch therapist. I came with pain, and I left with a clear and step by step recipe of what I needed to do.

All in all, it’s awesome!

We came to Eugene asking how to help designers take more challenging tasks and prevent them from burnout. Eugene helped us see that the problem isn’t with designers – it’s with processes. As a result of the meeting we made a draft of an action plan: raise the problem to the managers level, evaluate the job differently, reach a new agreement with colleagues.

There’s one more thing we picked up from the consultation – a tip to make designers solve creative tasks together. It really helped to build up the team.

I recommend consultations to art-directors, managers and design leads. It’s a good way to look at your situation from the other side.

Thanks, Eugene!

I had a job interview for a design lead position in a Western company. The CEO asked me to say roughly what I was going to do in the first 90 days. It was crucial to come up with a good answer which had no controversies and didn’t overstate expectations.

Because I was the one in need, I was driven somewhere where I just formally listed all the options, which looked like they solved the problem on the surface, but they actually didn’t. Instead of suggesting something I believed in, I came up with the idea of offering something that only looked useful.

Eugene helped me see I was offering a weird solution. We talked the situation through from different points and it came clear to me that I clung too much to these 90 days, trying to guess the answer.

I figured out that I had to write as it was. Eugene gave me good tips on team work metrics and ways I could pack the answer for a manager. I wrote a detailed letter in the evening, sent it – and had a good response. If you need to work with a team, you definitely must go to Eugene. Or if you need to collect everything and re-create it, without overcomplicating things.

Eugene is the amazing detective slash genius.

To begin with, email me, please, at [email protected]. It would be helpful to have a look at some web links or any other background. If I figure out that I cannot work anything out of this, I will tell “Sorry, this won’t work”.

If everything’s OK, let’s put it on a schedule.

The first consultation costs €250.

The format is online, 75 minutes. It’s like an hour, but a bit more, so that we wouldn’t be tight on time and could relax and talk.

If the first consultation goes well, then regular meetings are possible – once a week, once in two weeks. Same context but possibly more detailed and focused look, with the reflection on the progress. Second and all further consultations cost €350 each.


If it’s the right time to talk about career and professional paths; if you are in doubt on where and how to move next – just drop me a message. If you just need advice on which works you should add into your portfolio and which you should get rid of – no problem.

Something can be sorted out within a two-minute text conversation. Some things require a 30-minute call. But some are too critical to put them aside or to be embarrassed to ask for help.

Email me, I’ll help, for pay-what-you-want, or for free.